The weeks are flying by… and with each one another Mystery Creature… this week’s is a bird… well camouflaged in the photo but do you know what it is?

If you want to find out what this bird is… check out this post.
Science, Curiosity and Life
The weeks are flying by… and with each one another Mystery Creature… this week’s is a bird… well camouflaged in the photo but do you know what it is?
If you want to find out what this bird is… check out this post.
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A big fat fail by me. I was checking this out on facebook and thought it must be an insect I can’t see! Wow. Amazing camouflage
Thanks to my son I know what it is …… It’s the Potoo bird found mainly in Central and South America. They are primarily nocturnal insectivores that prefer to hunt from a perch. During the bright hours of the day they often perch upright on tree stumps, being well-camouflaged for such an environment – hence the colour of their plummage. They lay a single spotted egg directly on the top of a stump that they call home.
Exactly Mary, and as we can see from the photo they are pretty good at camouflage 😉