Three little words

Three little words

The lovable rogue
The lovable rogue

My four year old decided to join me in the room this morning, while I dressed.

Immediately my ego was on high alert! This guy doesn’t hold back with his critiques.

“What are you doing Mammy?”

“Getting dressed”

“Are you going to wear THAT dress?”

“Yes! Yes I am!” (starting to get very tense now)

“Can I jump on the bed?” (He is already in full flight, don’t know why he bothered to ask!)


“This isn’t really jumping you know?” … gives a good demo of dive bombing across the bed!

“Are they some kind of trousers?”

“No, they’re tights”… No one should ever have an audience when putting on tights!

“Can you walk in those?”

“Yes, funnily enough, I can!”


“Yeees???” Steeling myself for what follows….you have a WOBBLY tummy, your bum is VERY big... or maybe…

I think you are getting FAT!

Eventually… and with much reluctance, I meet his gaze…

His face breaks into an unexpected smile.

“….I love you” he says simply.

My heart melts.

With those three little words I know….it is going to be a VERY good day!