This question comes in from twins Sabha and Lile, who can sometimes be found on the lovely Where Wishes Come From blog. They are two wonderful girls that are fairly mad into science, and their mum tells me that they are always full of questions (we love that around here!). This is the first of two questions they have sent in…
How high do birds fly?
Dr. Simple is, as ever, delighted to answer their question. And this week he has his twin sister with him (which is pretty appropriate don’t you think?). You’ll see below that the regular Dr. Simple post has had a revamp, I love it like this, I hope you do too!
Thanks again to Lile and Sabha for this great question, what super science twins you are!
I hope you like the new layout here, be sure to let me know in the comments below, and remember to send in any questions that you or your family have. We love getting them!
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This question has been asked in our house many times, I’m printing the graphic to show the kids!
That’s great, you always seem to have a house full of questions
Love this! My kids are constantly asking questions like this, so that’s another one ticked. Yesterday they wanted to know how high clouds are. Maybe I’ll go with the same answer as the birds
Thanks and that’s another great question. I have written about clouds before, this might help
Love the question, and the way that Dr Simple and his twin sister have answered it
Thanks for the feedback, glad you like it
Thanks so much for answering my girls’ question! I am so grateful to have such clever scientists on hand to help with all the things I can’t answer. They really do have some tricky questions. I love the new look and how cool that Dr. Simple has a twin too!
So glad you like it, I hope the girls do too. My kids have plenty of questions I can’t answer too… the like to keep us on our toes, don’t they?