Does Education really matter?
How is the back to school phase going for you? Have you started complaining about making lunches yet (tiresome isn’t it?) How about the homework? We have only one day done so far and I have managed not to loose my patience or mutter complaints under my breath. So far so good. There is a lot of stress and strain involved in going back to school and I have a tendency to take it badly and moan and groan about the little things. I often forget to see the bigger picture…
…my three children are getting an education!
Education! We take it for granted, don’t we? We take it as our entitlement within this country and yes, it is an entitlement, but it is one that is not always available!
Focus Ireland has teamed up with Aviva Healthcare to run a wonderful campaign highlighting one important factor often connected with homelessness – the importance of Education. This Education Matters Programme aims to help vulnerable children finish their education or at least stay in school longer than they otherwise would. Lack of education is not the only cause of homelessness, but it is one contributing factor. Did you know, for example that…
…25% of adults experiencing homelessness didn’t progress beyond primary education,50% didn’t complete their secondary education and 8% had no formal education at all*
The campaign kicks off with this short, witty video… featuring a few faces you might know 😉 …

I came across this quote recently…
“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows” (Sydney J. Harris);
Wouldn’t it be nice if education could also add walls, a roof and a warm, safe place to sleep!
Does Education Matter? Yes it does!
Please help to shine a light on this issue by sharing the information or video on social media or anyway you can, you can use the hashtag #EducationMatters
*Credit: Census 2011