How is your singing voice? I’d love to tell you how good mine is but my kids would be on that like a shot; they are only too happy to tell anyone willing to listen how bad their mum is at singing. So I reserve it for the shower, solo trips in the car… or for tormenting my children.
Regardless of how good your singing skills are, there is still a great benefit to opening your mouth and belting out a song, more than you might think. And as usual, science has plenty of facts to back this up. Some of these might surprise you.
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Some benefits to singing – with a dash of science
Singing can improve our mood
This one probably isn’t of any big surprise; all of us have experienced singing in our lives, whether we are willing participants or coerced into it; but we all feel better afterwards. Why is that? It seems that singing releases a cocktail of chemicals that can both calm and invigorate at the same time.
When we sing we light up the right temporal lobe of the brain, causing the release of endorphins. These chemicals can literally lift our mood and give us a sense of euphoria.
Studies have shown that singing can also cause the release of oxytocin, the feel-good hormone that can reduce stress levels and help calm the body and mind. Oxytocin is also connected with strengthening bonds and friendships between people which is interesting as many studies have reported that people that sing together in choirs reap more benefits than singing solo. One of the observations is that people who sing together will literally synchronise their heart beats.
Singing can improve our health
The benefits mentioned above can not only make us feel happier but also reduce blood pressure and feelings of depression and isolation.
Singing can improve our breathing and our posture. It can help relieve respiratory illnesses and improves our cardiovascular and pulmonary health.
Perhaps one of the most amazing benefits of singing is the report that is can improve the cognitive abilities and well being of people suffering with dementia. It has also been shown to help people with speech impediments (such as stuttering), stroke victims and sufferers of Parkinson’s Disease.
Singing can help us learn
Singing can alter our brain’s chemical and physical make up. it can help us exercise specific parts of the brain and can even enhance our learning. In particular, singing can help us learn a new language. Apparently singing phrases in a foreign language can help us remember them more easily and for longer.
Whatever benefit you are after, it seems that singing really might be what you need. And if you are just too shy to try it, then you can simply listen, which has lots of benefits too, but that’s a blog post for another day.
I used to be able to sing, but sadly I seem to have lost the ability in recent years. But like you, it doesn’t stop me from doing it when I think I can’t be overheard
I’m sure you are a better singer than I am
Luckily, it doesn’t seem to matter how well I hit the note,s there is still plenty to benefit from it… so I’ll keep it up (and it is worth seeing my kids’ reactions to me singing