While looking to the future of my blog I thought it would be good to take a quick look back at my favourite posts over my first blogging year so here they are…
My most poplar blog of the year was also one of my personal favourites, I took a quick look at
What’s in a hug and ended up having the whole family counting to 20 ever hug we gave ;0)
Counting to 20 and sharing the love! |
I got to ramble on about one of my favourite plants…
Lavender … what is not to love about this wonder plant? I shared some things I like to make with it and even got to try out a delicious cocktail…. the things I do for blogging! We have since tried out a few more recipes and ideas so there will be a
Part 2 coming up shortly.
A fistful of love |
My wonderful Junior Science Team |
I really enjoyed running an interview series on my blog and getting to find out more about four people who have really inspired me in their various fields of Science and/or Nature and how they share and communicate their areas of expertise with such diversity and passion:
I spoke with….
Jason Tammemagi about how he creates and produces children’s animation
Michael Bell of Nature Learn on Wildlife education in Ireland
Dee Sewell of Greenside Up on Community Gardens and Growing your own
Una Halpin of Wildways Adventure Centre on getting families back into Nature
I got to chat about my wonderful Dad on Father’s Day and explore the
science behind the bond that is often overlooked.
These blogs are often inspired by questions asked by my children so I thought this round up should include one of these posts; Hard to choose a favourite but
this one has particular sentiment for me as it reminds me of a lovely family holiday and it was one of my first blogs of the year.
A great boost for me on a personal and blogging level came in September when I joined the Irish Parenting Blogger Group*… the support, advice and encouragement from these wonderful bloggers has been invaluable to me ever since. I was delighted to be part of an
IBPG blog march during National Breast Feeding Week in October, when I got to share some of my own experiences.
So that is my round up for the year of 2013, thank you all for reading and I hope you stick around to read more in 2014
*Many of my fellow IPBers are doing their own blog round up, check out the IBP Facebook page for links to their blogs.
Happy New Year Naomi – a lovely round up!
Thank you and many happy returns ;0)