Hard to believe that it is time for another Mystery Creature, the months are flying by. This one looks like some kind of mini alien.

Image credit: Jymm; Image source: Wiki commons
A couple of clues?
In keeping with the alien theme, they have been known to host their own invasions – baffling people as they suddenly turn up, en-masse, on seashores.
They are not much bigger than the top of your finger, but does that make them harmless?
Over to you
Friend or Foe, what do you think? Do you know what it is?
As always, feel free to leave comments; make predictions, maybe get your whole family or classroom in on the act. I will happily reply to any comments and I will post a full reveal about this creature at the end of the month.
It looks like a jellyfish to me. Wonder where are all the blue coming from?
It does look so like a jellyfish Victoria, I agree. But it actually isn’t! I guess that rules a whole group out though, which is good, right? 😉