This week’s question for Dr. Simple is a real gem and comes from six year old Abigail (you might find her mentioned here too)…
How can I make two of me?
I think if Abigail is asking these questions at the age of six then she will really go far, don’t you agree?
Here is what Dr. Simple has to say on the matter… and don’t adjust your screens if you think you are seeing double!

So there you have it! Hopefully a simple answerย to a really wonderful question. It certainly opens up the discussion of whether we should be cloning or not. As a geneticist myself I wouldn’t be encouraging it, but I do have a much simpler answer… I reckon if Abigail could just build herself a Transmogrifier then she will really have nailed the whole cloning thing. She could turn herself into another Abigail and the job would be done!
If you do make one Abigail, can I borrow it?
I love these posts :). Keep them coming!
Thanks so much, I have a long list of questions already sent in from people so this series will certainly be going for quite some time ๐
Great question, and fascinating answer; I have a fuzzy understanding of most things science, so this is a super learning experience for all those unanswered questions I have ๐
It is a great question Emily! I am so glad you you find the Simple Slice of Science a useful source ๐
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That is brilliant she’s siting here going wow, wow but now she’s scared at the thought of two of her haha (me too!) excellent thanks for that x
Delighted that she likes it Sara ๐