We’re heading to the deep blue sea for this month’s Mystery Creature. Not the prettiest looking animal, and it certainly has some very unusual features; it’s a bit of a living fossil, do you know what it is? Read more

Science, Curiosity and Life
We’re heading to the deep blue sea for this month’s Mystery Creature. Not the prettiest looking animal, and it certainly has some very unusual features; it’s a bit of a living fossil, do you know what it is? Read more
Check out this beautiful bird as this month’s mystery creature; Do you know what it is? Read more
Hard to believe that it is time for another Mystery Creature, the months are flying by. This one looks like some kind of mini alien.
Image credit: Jymm; Image source: Wiki commons
In keeping with the alien theme, they have been known to host their own invasions – baffling people as they suddenly turn up, en-masse, on seashores.
They are not much bigger than the top of your finger, but does that make them harmless?
Friend or Foe, what do you think? Do you know what it is?
As always, feel free to leave comments; make predictions, maybe get your whole family or classroom in on the act. I will happily reply to any comments and I will post a full reveal about this creature at the end of the month.
This month’s Mystery Creature is a pretty hairy fellow. Can you name him?
Image source: (Jeff Delonge) Wikimedia Commons.
As always, if you are not sure, feel free to ask questions! I’ll post the big reveal at the end of the month.
This month’s Mystery Creature is a little different; The picture below shows what the creature can build, can you tell what the creature is?
Image credit: Phil Torres
I’ll admit that this one is particularly tough so here is a clue: there is a hint in the structure, it resembles a pre-historic monument that features in the creature’s name!
Have fun researching this one and remember to check back soon when I’ll post the answer with some pretty amazing facts about this creature.
A new year and a good time to renew the Mystery Creature spot; This year I think I will do just one a month, posting the animal at the start of the month and revealing what the animal was and some facts about it, at the end of that week. As always, if you think you know what it might be, leave a comment, share some facts or ask some questions!
First up is this fairly prehistoric looking bird, do you know what it is?
photo credit: uccsbiology Cassowary via photopin (license)
[Edit]… and here is the post that reveals what the mystery creature is along with some interesting facts about it.
Here is another underwater mystery creature, do you know what it is?
Image credit: Nhobgood Nick Hobgood
These come in different sizes and colours and sometimes go by different common names. If you think you know what it is leave a comment below.
As always, remember to check back at the end of the week when the mystery is revealed!
Another week, another Mystery Creature; this one is fascinating. Some of its characteristics include being poor at flying and eating only plants (a herbivore), which is fairly uncommon among birds. This unusual bird also shares a feature with the prehistoric bird-like dinosaur called Archaeopteryx.
Do you know what that feature is and can you name the bird?
Photo credit: Kate
Remember to ask questions if you want help working out this week’s Mystery Creature… and check back at the end of the week to find out what it is and some amazing facts about this very unusual bird!
This is a wonderful looking fish, as soon as I spotted him on twitter, I knew he would be great for the Mystery Creature spot this week.
Do you know what this is?…
Image credit: SteveChilds; Image source: wikicommons
Remember, you can ask questions and look for tips if you want, this could make a great challenge for the kids while on their Summer holidays.
Check back at the end of the week to find out what it is, and some very interesting facts about this amazing Mystery Creature!
Nature is truly amazing, isn’t it? Just looking at the diversity of creatures on this planet confirms that. This week’s mystery creature is a very bizarre looking insect, and an excellent example of just how creative mother nature really is.
Can you name it?
Image credit: Sebastian Wallroth;
Here is a clue: say what you see and you will probably work out the name of this insect! As always you can leave your comments, questions or guesses below. Remember to check back at the end of the week to find out for sure.
Update: Want to find out what it is? Here is the post that reveals what this insect is and some interesting facts about it!