Science Writing

Science Writing

If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself”

That is (apparently) one of Einstein’s many quotes. It took me a while to realise just how true these words are, but once I did I was able to marry a love of writing with a love of science. I discovered that once I broke things down to their most simple components

Mystery Creature revealed – the Indian Purple Frog

This week’s Mystery Creature was the indian Purple frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis). A very unusual looking frog found in certain parts of India; Here are ten facts about this unusual creature… 1. The Indian purple frog is so called because it tends to have a dark purple colouring. It is also referred to as the purple […]

Science Week 2014 kicks off!

Science Week 2014 kicks off!

And we’re off! Science week 2014  officially kicks off today. Dr. How’s household has been busy preping for two weeks of school science fun, bringing The Science of Sound into 15 schools. I had a house full of kids today, all happy to help me put the finishing touches to things 😉 The children made […]

Mystery Creature reveal… the Potoo

Mystery Creature reveal… the Potoo

Last week’s Mystery Creature was the Potoo, in this case the Common Potoo (Nyctibius griseus). Here are some interesting facts about this very unusual bird: Potoos can be found in Central and South America, although fossil finds dating back to the Oligocene and Eocene suggest ancestors of these birds were once also found in France […]